Dreams Of An Absolution Poem by Ashleigh Leona Mellon

Dreams Of An Absolution

I cry so lonely at night
I do so with no hope or dream
These feelings are so hard on me
I try so hard, to conseal them
but I fail, and therefore let them out

I watch the Movie Titanic,
My only at home history lesson
Oh, Woe is me, I cry at the ending
the music score, gets me every time
beautiful, but also saddening

It's wonderous to behold, oh yes
But sad as well, I know the truth
I know what it feels like
To Lose a dream you really want
the beauty of one's dreams

It's so heartbreaking to bear, too
When Your dreams sail on away
Without your consent, the flow of tears
Become the sea, to carry a lost loved one home
we cry an ocean for those we love

But that is only just a long-gone dream
Yes, it becomes an nightmare scenario
When It drifts away, and you never achieve it
That and many others fly away forever
yes, we do think that all the time

And that, my dear friends
and fellow poets,
Why long gone dreams
are hard to find
and hard to replace

Those and many others
around us all, everyday
Lose their dreams
They become Long- Gone
Dreams Of An Absolution

my lord is my shepherd
To Him, I'm his witness
A Lord of heaven, and Me
A Devout Christian
And Jehovah's Witness

In those in faith,
our loved ones we lose death
But I believeth in the Almighty
And those who believe in Him
Shall not die, but have Life everlasting


Ashleigh Leona Mellon

Ashleigh Leona Mellon

Armadale, West Lothian, Scotland
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