Dysfunctional Poem by Joseph Herrera


Rating: 3.5

What is this feeling?
Is it a reaction to the decisions I'm making?
Is me discovering who's behind the person I have been faking?
Is it my heart breaking for finally letting in and sharing?
Is it my life being empty and over baring?
Is it you ignoring me why I started slowly fading?
Do you even care or have you always been pretending?
Do you feel pain or the pain that you're causing?
Do you have emotions or empathy for the person that's chasing?
Am I here only to mop up the pain that you're receiving?
Do you feel I am entitled to someone loving and deserving?
Or am I just covering holes that need filling?
What is your end game, do you even have a purpose?
Are you just going to keep using my heart like an animal in a circus?
What do you see in me? Or do you even see me at all?
Am I just an emotional punching bag that you like to hang on a wall?
What is it that you're fearing? I am always there when you need me.
Except when I need you, you always seem to be disappearing.
You say you're not ready, but hate it when I'm gone.
Are you really that selfish? Do you really expect me to keep playing along?
What are you going to do when I finally move on? I know it has not been that long,
But how do you explain the comfort and the Calm?
I just want to scream and show you what you are missing!
After asking these questions, I realized that this is just a self-reflection.
You're just too young and naïve to the situation.
You rather be normal and hurt, then to truly feel devotion.

Saturday, March 5, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: realization
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