Embers Poem by Arthor Journer


It is so long in the past my mind hardly remembers
Once a raging fire but with no fuel left now only embers
Hearts melted from the passion of the flaming heat
Now the snow has settled each of us in full-fledged retreat
Eyes no longer blind to the discrepancies and flaws
Immersed in emotions and arrows supplied by our in laws
Bridges between us now buried under the depths of the sea
Bankrupt feelings smiling pictures mimicking you and me
Fences rebuilt and stakes replaced in each other’s heart
Marks the continuing of the ending the propelling to part
Hollow good byes fill with water and soon are caused to sink
Like fish rotting on the shore the freshness turns to stink
It is so long in the past that I can hardly remember
Once a forest fire now only thing left is these embers
Love that burnt so intense that it melted us as one
Now the rains of words has cooled what was said and done
Eyes that were once drunk by the appearance of a smile
Now are red and aching from the rancor and manifest guile
Skin that used to shiver with excitement at the very stroke
Now lays dormant and dead and wont be revived or awoke
Lips that were the shore line of refreshing words of devotion
Are now the dumping ground of refuse from this raging ocean
Nostrils that once were the gates to bask in the sweet savor
Now the passages of rancid air that the heart abhors
It is so long in the past that I can hardly remember
Once a volcano now only thing left is these embers

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