Emotional Vacancies Of The Well Broken Heart. Poem by Michael Gale

Emotional Vacancies Of The Well Broken Heart.

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Emotional vacancies of the heart...
Result by a non tell tale misstart.

Love has it's many rocky roads...
Much name calling and much more teasements and goads.

The heart is put into a cataclystmic shock...
Maybe, just maybe it is time to take stock.

The love cupboard is put under a keyless lock..
Love is often stolen and put up, to hock.

Borrowed pain is born from indecent disrespect...
More than often, this fact by many of us, we do not detect.

How can we all recognize those subtle hints? ...
If we had a dime for every time we over looked over our mate's
own faults, we'd be rich in a self foamulated soul cleansing rinse.

Our pile of lies and denials would surmount to heights so astronomically dizzying...
Our heads would fastly spin in it's shocked feelings in realization
of our businesses unconcluded or it's total state of being as final and unfinishing.

A mate must show respect towards their loving spouse...
Or to all, observing, will seem, as like a rotten filthy louse.

Love must not seem, to all, as like an unreachable goal...
Before we truthfully know we have a beautiful loving, individual soul.

Then, and only then, will we know, that we are truly, with each other, in love...
From a most supreme and holy, loving hostly parent, from way up high and above.

This, in time, to us all, will show his unselfish and always forever caring love.
Sent to our human knowledge and hearts, that to us, fits just as good and tight as the most appropriate, all weathering glove.

Michael Gale

Michael Gale

Chicago Illinois/Oklahoma City.
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