End-Time Trestise Poem by bobby beddoe

End-Time Trestise

An End-Time Treatise

[My] aim is to bring to the fore,
The exact instant to not ignore
The start of the seven year Tribulation,
That period that needs no explanation.
These last days are coming ‘down to the wire'
In a very close, sticky end-time quagmire;
Many eschatologists predict
A final ‘peace covenant' verdict
Based on 9: 27: Daniel's grasp.
A deal to be confirmed with handclasp!
Problem. God doesn't want a two state solution.
For He has a One State Solution intention.
On the other hand, the Palestinians
Covet all of Canaan - void of Hebrews and Christians
Also Jerusalem for their capital to boot.
Antichrist will change the issue now moot
Until Israel, by virtue of arm-twisting,
The signatory for Tribulation's beginning!
With the peace agreement controversy and strife,
One will not notice any difference in daily life
For at that instant - the world will continue
To be a hotbed of violence anew.
No person knows who the false prophet will be
Nor the antichrist, but knows the third party;
The third party (Rev.13: 1-18) is Satan,
The unholy trinity leader-man!
And at the same time, before the ink is dry,
And to avoid Hell to eternally occupy
Better opt Jesus as your Savior and Lord,
Before the signing of Satan's peace accord!

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