English Eco-Critical Poetry--A List Poem by Bijay Kant Dubey

English Eco-Critical Poetry--A List

I am shelving books,
Putting on the racks,
For your eco-critical study
And reading of poetry,
In the past studied you not,
Now you are
When the crisis struck you.

I am arranging,
You put them on
And later may pick up
The collections
From where to borrow
Anthologies and collected volumes
For your systematic study,

Lucy Poems, Tintern Abbey,
Prelude, By The Sea,
It IS A Beauteous Evening, Calm and Free,
To the Skylark, The Solitary Reaper
By Wordsworth,
The Rime of The Ancient Mainer
By Coleridge,
Ode to the West Wind, To a Skylark
By Shelley.

Gray's Elegy,
Blake's My Love Is Like A Red, Red Rose,
Cowper's God Made The Country,
Pope's Ode on Solitude.

Blake's The Tiger,
Tennyson's The Eagle,
Hardy's The Darkling Thrush,
Bridges' London Snow, Nightingales,
Winter Nightfall,
Edward Thomas' A Cat,
Binyon's In The High Leaves of a Walnut,
Hodgson's Stupidity Street, The Bull,
The Swallow,
Galsworthy's To My Dog,
Larkin's At Grass.

Eliot's The Hippopotamus
I must see
What it is in it,
Snow, The Linnet,
The Night-Swans by Mare
I like to read,
C.Day Lewis' A Hard Frost,
Betjeman's Cornish Cliffs,
Auden's Look, Stranger,
Dylan Thomas' Poem in October.

I compare Wordsworth's The Daffodils
With Herrick's To Daffodils,
Keats' Ode to a Nightingale with
Bridges' Nightingales,
Wordsworth's To The Skylark
With Shelley's To A Skylark
And when disturbed, I turn to
Yeats' Wild Swans at Coole, The Lake Isle of Innisfree.

Hughes's animal poems, bird poems, flower poems
I like them,
Big Poppy, Daffodils,
Hawk in the Rain, Hawk Roosting,
The Owl, Thrushes.
Lawrence's Bavarian Gentians,
The Snake, The Bat,
The Mosquito.

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