Enigmatic: Dead Polar Bear (Environmental) Poem by R. H. Peat

Enigmatic: Dead Polar Bear (Environmental)

Enigmatic: Dead Polar Bear

I.) The polar-bear is black beneath transparent hair,
each blueberry conceals a pentagon on its bottom,
why does Saturn have a hexagon on its polar top,
winter announces death as a cold conundrum:
every ending, beginning like a Mobius strip.
Sea ice disappears as white-noise in the wind stops.
Creation says: Ah, white-bear remember to leap,
your plunge into these cold waters persists; life
is so refreshing. That experience. Wow!
Your eye hunts for a clue, someplace for death.

Maybe the clue doesn't exist anymore.
Nothing remains as you thought it was, bear.
Someone talks to you in a melting dream.
A dream encounter: The white-bear studies
what resides inside its plentiful sea-expanse.

II.) Two embodiments of the white-bear meander.
The comparison as the two distances
becomes defined-loses within all distance.
Her drowned cubs float like broken ice.

A hair of wildness fell from her ancient coat.
Relating one bristled hair to the complete grizzly
we begin to talk about the intangible sacrifice
inside the wild beast moving north to whiten.
We see what lumbered through the woods.
We see what marked the trees with bleeding pitch.
We see the bear as a human or the human as a bear.
If we count the hairs on a lost grizzly's pelt
we only have the definition of an old, dead sow.

III.) The separate has become one white-bear;
within this one act to feed its birthed seed.
The bear grew taller than stacked ice.
Making implicit what we now touch —
A sea of troubles or she is wild white-beast.
(We leap back from the garden hose
because it is a green snake in our vision) .
The myth behind the fact:
holds other icebergs within our distance.
Bear leaps back. Black is white. Death barely alive.

As paper-dolls become transfixed dancing bears,
pale imagination wears little white tutu dresses
impossibility reveals an icy scissored attraction.

In sudden glimpse we love the expansive white
and milky snipped scraps: as ice adrift on the rug
invites the same scattered glare upon dead cubs.

IV.) We discover a sand-grain is the whole world.
all of time in a pinch; It's the speck that brings
us to our knees; the mote creates wind-blown tears.

Beneath our heel the pebble turns us from running
to scuffling limp. A hair's enigma held inside a ghost:
don't underestimate the transparency in the symbol.

The unstruck match when struck changes the world;
contempt burns down the barn to cart away the dead.
The cat just finds a warmer place to ball-up to sleep.

Surprise takes the shape where it wants to live or die -
inside the self. This distance makes pulse timeless.
Enigma shapes paradox saying, the one is the other.

Blood becomes relative to standing within the soup.
Are we crackers or vegetables; will we float or
sink? Truth being our baggage set before the mirror.

The white-bear is a sand-grain in our dead hand.

© RH Peat 12 - 8 - 2019.
From: 4 Parts: 14 stophes,60 lines, Free Verse Narrative
Environmental statement: Polar Bear are becoming extinct.
a concern for nature in the present time.:
Published: England: 'Nature 20/20' Pg.13
Willowdown Books — 2020.

© RH Peat 12 - 8 - 2019. From: 4 Parts: 14 stophes,60 lines, Free Verse Narrative Intent: Political & Environmental statement, a concern for nature in the present time.: Published: England: (Nature 20/20) Pg.13; Willowdown Books — 2020.
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