Establish Yourself Poem by Dianna Nally

Establish Yourself

At the age of 5 she had Perthies
and walked in the splits in a brace
The kids at school made fun of her
But she put them in their place.

For a year and a half she slept that way
She rode her bike and climbed 3 flights of stairs.
She never considered her self to be handi-capped
And refused to use a wheel chair.

Now she's grown up to be a beautiful woman
she works, has friends and drives a car
Her dream is to someday build her own family
But that hasn't happened so far.

She's had many boyfriends, but with no luck
because Mr. Right always turns into Mr. Wrong
I told her to concentrate on establishing her self
And someday Mr. Right will come along.

This poem is about my daughter who at age 5 was diagnosed with Perthies.(she had the hip joint of an 80 yr old woman)
Most kids would have fought to keep from going to school that way. But my daughter is strong willed and more stuborn then a mule. She let nothing stand in her way. When kids called her handicapped her response was ' The only handicapped person here is you. You really should do something about that mouth.' mother, like daughter.: -)

Dianna Nally

Dianna Nally

Dianna Nally

Bakersfield CA
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