Everything But Music Poem by jan fuentez

Everything But Music

I wrote this piece during my birthday last year (April 15,2008) .

My thoughts drifted so far away, like vivid old photographs in my mind. Even now, I am speechless of the way things in my life. Moment by moment, here I am still holding on to memories of the past.
Come what may, I told myself. Deep in my soul, clear reflection keeps on burning like the flame that truly hurts.
How could you do this to me? How I wish I could say “I know him so well” but I was in vain. You left me all alone in that terminal, wondering if somebody will rescue me from reality. What an insensitive gesture of you!
“My beautiful girl” used to be the words you said to me, flattering word maybe and yet I was happy. Words of love or was it for compassion? I don’t want to know, a move you may call something stupid.
Many days slowly came to pass, this angel has been through with that careless whisper of yours, and steadily love begins to fade.
I have regained my life, and I am back, thanks to my friends. This is my life and I know it is God’s will.
I could stand up once more, I never thought of that ‘till I said “hey, stop fretting my dear”.
Impossible dream? No, now I am born free! ! ! ! !

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