Evolution Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English


Where is this world is heading to?
Forging to the future of perfection,
Or retracting to the past of constant feuds
Of annihilation and destroying itself?
Where is this world is heading to?
Forging in evolution in constant eruptions,
Or delving to hellfire of constant doubts,
Of jealousy and hatred in silence for all?

Fairness and justice, right conduct are
Withering like blossoms in wilderness here,
Uncar'd, unattended in wild hue and cry
Of quelling opponents or who dare to stand up,
And trappling ‘neath feet who counts not for self;
Love and friendship are manoeuvres here,
Ladders to scale mere false heights
Of temporal gains and ephrmeral pleasures
In fleeting patches along flitting passage
Of bricks, laid uncemented, unmortared,
Where any brick any time may slip one day.

Nothing in this world now inspires trust,
Nothing in this world gives peace or rest;
Wherever one sees, discontent and lust,
That drives man and man, oh, neck to neck.

Nations and nations on warpath,
West and East in unnecessary wrath,
Religions in god's name let blood to hell;
Races and tribes, cultures and sects,
Regions, languages, all fight to swell
By feeding on other and breeding on it;
All against one and all against all,
It's pure mess and ocean of confusion
In sky high tides, sweeping away peace
And tearing the trust that cements the world,
And toppling the pillars of fairness and justice.

Might is right here, weakness is doom,
Nuclear bomb, a virtual god,
And economic might is god's god;
Where is this world is rattling to
In the rocket of time, lifted above ground?
To what horizons without firm ground
Is this bubble-world is lifted to?
Is this doom or evolution's process,
Or a negative shade of evolution's glory?

From early aeons evolved this world,
In splutters and splitters of rising stakes;
How confused is ocean, so evolved is this world,
And evolution is on track without any breaks.

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