Far Shore Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Far Shore

We sail thro’ ceaseless cosmic ocean
And navigate wild long falls and rise,
Unperturbed by strong wind and tides,
With prayers within, struggles without
To land on far shore that beckons us;
Path ahead is undefined and endless,
The shore we seek, real only in hopes;
But challenges of sail, real like breaths,
Every moment, day, from start to end;
It’s losing fight against fugitive hope.

It’s mere blue, all around our sail,
Below and above, on sides, in front,
No colours, rain bow, music around;
Monotonous silence in ocean’s breaths
Stifle our dreams of reaching shore;
Yet we do sail with doubled up struggle
And endeavour to run to invisible shore;
For, it’s our end, nest, identity we have,
That makes us, us, part of each other;
We’re both naught without it to hold.

Wounds we suffered, yet tender, painful,
Fatal oft, yet, no time we lower our sail,
While uncertainties throng, setbacks block;
For, mysterious beckons from invisible shores
Shores us up with dear promises to hold –
Of diamond and luster conjoining again,
Honey, its sweetness, rediscovering each;
The glow we see in the future’s trough
Relegates blood, sweat, tears that flowed
To oblivion like fuel in hungry fire’s bowl.

Yet, nothing is visible, bare blue around,
Now I’m in for plunge in the life’s cycles;
No doubt, I rise, navigate thro’ the ocean;
Blocks do rise, far shore remains indistinct,
And we struggle and bleed in false hopes;
Thus we sail thro’ endless cosmic ocean,
And navigate wild long falls and rise
With light in soul, and blood, all over us,
Till we reach cherished invisible shore,
Where we find ourselves ecstatically One.

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