Existence Poem by Gary Excell


We are all but particles of dust in the mist of time,
Each day that passes, each night that awakens,
Our emotionality of awareness and evolutionary seconds,
Are all just grains of sands, flowing into the depth of time,
Why are we here, where will we go,
Questions without answers or answers with no meaning,
Only time can tell our true existence,
And answer the true question WHY?
We all take time for granted,
believing that life is to acquire the assets of the earth,
Whilst reality has proven that the true asset is time herself,
of which no one can ever own this precious essence.
Each day must be taken as the start of a new life,
For each day that passes brings us closer to the sleep of sleep,
How we spend our own asset is our own concern,
But when spent we will never acquire again.
I will miss all that I have touched when my own time catches me up,
But for now I will spend each second as a whole life,
Never to look back on what might have been and,
Never to look forward for what to expect and perhaps one day,
I can look back and smile on all that I have done,
with a true sense of well being,
until the final second of time,
Takes my hand,
And leads me away from all that I have known.

Gary Excell

Gary Excell

Poole, Dorset. UK
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