Eyes Leaking Blood Poem by Axley Jade Blaze

Eyes Leaking Blood

Rating: 5.0

Tears of rain, are these tears from pain?
The Earth is crying. We trample the atmosphere,
Stomping her magnificent design, in vain
She's sighing, and it's unavoidable—now she's dying
Mother Nature, crying blood
Every drop is so heavy, that it hits the ground with a thud!
She quakes, she cracks, she exhales a tornado.
There are no means with which to calm this storm.

Her sigh—the wind is howling, the clouds leak blood,
She quakes, she cracks, and can't control the flood!
It's a tornado, the atmospheric phenomenon—her mood, devastation
She calls this revenge, will she be avenged?
This mood, this storm
A womb-stone, aborted—or unborn
The biological process was never the solution
Misery was the only conclusion
As this globe, it whirls and it swirls, I fill with chills

The Earth—the air has a bite, she may do it—she just might
Suspire one final breath, a natural disaster
Slice through the Earth, like an atomic bomb—but even faster!
She yields—no resurrection
No temporal order, or revival
She doesn't care any longer about our survival.
Human beings don't get it;
We're savages to her, then regret it,
We damage her, then deny it
But never again will she buy it!

Our false commitments, fake prayers
Another cycle of destruction, as persistent and consistent
As the very cycle of life, the sequence of the globe.
But it all comes to a pause now, it slows,
The contradiction of living, the misguided choices
The wail of an infant, the death, shrieks, and voices—
The end of our children, the cry of the wild
Wars plaguing the streets, everywhere there is defeat
We're entrenched in denial,
Genocide, desolation.
Now we wait with hesitation,
No idea where to go or what to do, no purpose, no clue:
If the Mother dies, we perish, too!

Crystallized homicide, mingled with suicide
Is this what we desire?
What we finally decided?
Make a decision—which causes an incision, straight through the four-chambered heart
Desperate for expiry, dying to depart, to pull the trigger, as blood splatters
Organic matter, with a silver spoon on a golden platter!
The sins our committed, and the result is no winners
Just one after another, a cult filled with sinners
The solution grows thick, the problems, they mount
None of it pauses, the destruction never gets thinner
Instead, now she's DEAD—and we die right beside her
Floating through bloody waters, we dare not defy her

As everything dies, nobody tries
To weather the storm, to end the demolition
As I scream I shout out this premonition!
And I'm a sad girl—watching the death, as I take my last breath
I whisper goodbye
I feel the exhalation—I feel her final sigh
At last, it ends, she cries and sighs
And all else withers, and with her, it dies
We all bid our farewells
Without the Mother there's no trying, no denying we're dying, never surviving, least of all thriving
A perfect storm, finally it was born, as ironically we whisper 'so long! '…
And just like that, we're gone.

© copyright 2017-2024 Eyes Leaking Blood

Eyes Leaking Blood
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: death,depression,earth,suicide
Eyes Leaking Blood is the featured poem from Nicole's fifth poetry collection released today, June 25th. You can find the eBook edition on Amazon one. Mother Nature: Earth Bleeding Tears is one of a three part anthology, so stay tuned for parts II & III.This is a reflection on both the actual theme of Mother Nature, but also metaphorically about mental illness, destruction, and death.
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