Face To Face

He said
I miss you I need to see your face.
I know you have another in your life because I failed to give you our life.
I need to see the peace in your face. I want to make sure you are happy as you say you are.
I promise not to entice you
I promise I'll be nice to you
I just need to see your face.
Do you still have love in your heart for me?
Please forgive me for the hurt I causes you.
I didn't realize how much I needed you until... There was no more of you.
I sit in the house with the one I chose and think why didn't I accept and care for my rose.
Not saying my choice is wrong... I'm saying it not the one my heart longed for.
I was afraid of the love you gave me.
I wasn't deserving of it.
Instead of killing your heart
I bruised it leaving another to come heal it.
I want to see your face to know you are in a better place.

Denial rested on me.
I want to see his face.
To know that I made the right decision to move forward.
I miss seeing his smile light up when he came in my presence.
My heart would fill with excitement when the phone call would come saying...open the door I'm here.
I need to see his face, the pain he caused me I need to remember... So that resistance to his advances will consume me to ward off any feelings his touch use to give me.
Walking the road of lonleiness
Was my choice to make because staying is a place where complacency is the mayor of the soul was not where I wanted to be.
I needed more in us than just an occasional temporary affair of the hearts to be left alone to sleep with the downs of my pillowed soul.
Soft for him i had always been but this time...
I want to see his face so that he can know I have healed and evolved from the weak woman that fell for his one blow whispers of seduction.
The sun risen many a days and the moon rocked me to sleep with mellow light illuminating my tears, resting and soothing me with the promise of another day of strength.
Yes I have to see his face
To let him know I still have love for him but us has walked away to never be seen again


Kelly Kurt 02 April 2015

A lovely, touching and sad poem, Jen. Thanks for sharing.

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