Fearful Part 1 Poem by shimon weinroth

Fearful Part 1

we are born in pain, uncomfortable and wet,
and because we are born we are mortal,
because we are mortal, we fear that one day,
we will cease to be,

pain hurts. we fear the rebirth of pain,
desire love to overcome fear,
pleasure to forget moments of pain,
many need God to take the burden,

because what we are,
our most driving emotion, mood and sensation
is fear, which lives with us inside and out,
it is a wonder, our psyche and hysic can cope,

courage is only a bluff,
sentiments a history of emotions,
moods and sensations, we call nostalgia or disgust,
fear that something will appear or disappear,

sages, stoics, or ascetics deny fear,
covering themselves in raiment of calm resignation,
hedonists and Epicurians, declare, live today,
the kingdom of heaven is here,

many have made their compact with fear,
finding the sanctuary, in the temples of God,
the sweet warm, sometimes painful embrace of the lover,
or seek sublime in the bosom of nature,

we band together
in societies called tolerance,
a calmer milder form of despotism
to ward off other fears

created models and invented solutions,
Platonic caves and republics, Nietzschean cavemen, supermen
Asimov's robotics, Gates, computers,
and Dylan Thomas, answers 'are blowing in the wind'

Indian yogist, Moselm fakir, both crosslegged
meditiating or begging alms,
one seperating the now from everything to nothing,
blank out fear, strengthened by transmigration,
the other by belief in the next world

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