Flunked Amateurs Poem by Chan Mongol

Flunked Amateurs

Poet Chan Mongol
October 6 of 2019

Here, whoever are our guides and leaders
Scientists, doctors, lawyers, engineers
Anything they did, brought cry and horror
Flunked amateurs mishandled the atmosphere!

I have opinions not to trust them in general
In 37.2 trillion cells, they are not knowledgeable
Your and our family members who died earlier
Under their malpractices and clinical care!

How can you trust those who are filthy richer
By taking your money become wealthier
They invented bio weapons like Aids, cholera
Off and on, they do so to threat and to scare.

Gambling, medicine, law business are vices
Boycott bad systems and so is my advice
Don't you see, don't you feel what they do
Their anti public systems cause our sorrow!

Try to know and grow those plants and trees
Our ancestral natural remedies to increase
Legal and medical system must be changed
Worldwide humans should be well managed.

They make laws to keep up territorial clientele
To break their castles seemed very impossible
They play god with our fear and emotion
Our money and life go for their consumption.

Paleolithic, Neolithic and medieval people
They were much better and harmless civil
They had close ties with humanity and nature
Ancient fathers lived very well on agriculture.

Current system has no good law for justice
Chained are citizens whom they don't release
Wastes and bullshit research are often seen
How good are they who can't cure your gangrene?

Their syndicates destroyed our real knowledge
They initiated to do the worst offence
Ancestors were good with natural therapy
Ill system chained you and me to give agony!

We have to find ways to go back to the nature
To get in touch with the preset atmosphere
Otherwise, it would be the worst danger
The failure will cause final destruction here!

I am not happy with them and not in their queue
If you are satisfied with them it's fine with you
Every human got opinions and stories to bring live
Those urges of experiences should let us drive!

Sunday, October 6, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: affairs,change,feeling,misrule,past,wisdom
Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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