For Kyabje Sadhguru And All Lgbt's Poem by Xavier Mandreza

For Kyabje Sadhguru And All Lgbt's

Dearest Kyabje,

I really want to make this very clear. Kyabje, I understand your views about this. I myself am proudly gay. Thank you very much still for your stand in LGBT issues and you are absolutely correct that it is a individual's personal preference and neither people, society, government or religion have absolutely no right to interfere.

It is something that we should have learned centuries ago otherwise we LGBT's would not have been persecuted and killed as we have been then up until now. History and the Media can attest to this through time. To have this landmark ruling in your country is phenomenal and though I am not Indian the Indian Goverment's ruling has a universal impact for LGBT's all over the world.

Why I am addressing this is simply because we are no different from being treated like any other minority - race, sex, religion and politics. I personally feel I need to write this in behalf of my LGBT brothers and sisters and for everyone overall what we stand at this time; and I write this with the best respect as one of the best gurus of this century.

Let us be firm and clear that we LGBT's are sexually preferential by nature and never by choice. Why I'm stating this is so that those who watched your video will not misunderstand your teaching and use it as leverage for their homophobic agendas insisting that we LGBT's are free to choose either sex without restraint in all aspects.

We are born this way. We live this way. We will die this way. Full-stop. FULL-STOP.

Of course as social beings we do dabble with the opposite sex in friendship and camaraderie but when it comes to the long-term and deep personal commitment to a life partner we know where we stand.

And I also want to make it clear that sex is not the main reason why we are who we are. It is only the result, not the cause. It comes with the package as with any other life partner be it straight or gay.

There will always be exceptions as with any other relationship but I need to clarify that the majority of LGBT relationships are sincere and truthful loving relationships all over the world.

To see it as it is has always been the best solution. But the reality of this Kyabje is that unfortunately social and cultural norms have not been kind to us through the centuries, let alone difficult for us to live the way as we are. Whether we like it or not we are still a minority. And as long as the World Culture and Mainstream Media continue to promote heterosexual relationships alone as, "normal" is something that we LGBT's can never accept.

I hope you can understand where we're coming from, Kyabje. You mentioned so many times in your videos to do what is needed. And this is it. THIS IS NEEDED. And this is why we need to, "promote" this in your words only for the purpose to ensure that the hate, bigotry and persecution of LGBT's worldwide MUST stop. We want our relationship to be as normal as anyone else's. Only once we see the progress then - and only then we will no longer need to promote it. Any minority would feel the same way in their own situation.

The notion that sex is merely for reproduction has been a long-used weapon against us LGBT's, Kyabje. Religious scriptures are rife with this and there has been no end to the suffering of LGBT's because of them.

Yes, it is a fact that the primary and biological function of sex is for reproduction but as human beings it has gone way beyond that; sex is also a form of EXPRESSION. And that is why the pleasure is there in the first place. And that form of expression belongs to EVERYONE. We don't form partners because of biology alone; we form partners for the very person and being whom we love and commit. And it is my deepest, personal wish this gets to be realised someday.

Lastly Kyabje I ask for your utter forgiveness in my speaking out. For years I have been one of those silent and supportive of your teachings and it is only this time that I felt the need to do so. Thank you once again for your grace and understanding.

Xavier Mandreza

Xavier Mandreza

Makati City, Philippines
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