For Next Generation Poem by Chan Mongol

For Next Generation

Poem by Chan Mongol
May 9 of 2020

In modern days, authorities make zigzags to reach to their goals;
Past prophets and emperors also made zigzags in their roles.
No ruler will get any waiver since they distracted you in the past;
Them and you still are in the unnatural quagmire of mistrust.
Few ruled but the rest as a whole were worldwide, easily fooled;
Individuality, families, villages were for countries, cheaply sold.
Don't get me wrong and don't think that I am a communist;
To go to the state of nature is my doctrine as an individualist.
People are sold out to Karl Marks or, to capitalist Abram;
That is why, people have been targeting the nature to harm.
We have to rebuild god's image and all of his cells in the picture;
In lowering future population size and upholding the nature.
Other species are decreasing population due to human nature;
Mankind is hustling and bustling for things of others to takeover.
Read Genesis to know that Abram made zigzags and won;
He lied to the Pharaoh and also pretended to behead his son.
We adore Abram but in the history, was he a hero or a dirt?
Why shouldn't the owner of many wives be for us a red alert?
We want our lands back to do farming and doing agriculture;
People of Abram forcibly possessed our lands over and over.
They violated real prophecy even rules of prayers in fears;
And they are religious, followers and temple or mosque goers.
Needing new conception to save the nature for next generation'
Freedom is a must from any man made religion and constitution.
It doesn't matter who was who, whatever they used as the title!
Each one was a policy maker to rule and burn us with fire of hell.
Mankind could have lived millions of years in the state of nature;
We must go back to the paleolithic life to be successful, happier.

For Next Generation
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: genesis,liberty,misrule,nature,rules
Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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