For Today Is Your Birthday Poem by Wilfred Mellers

For Today Is Your Birthday

Here's to you with a cheer
For to us you are truly dear
Let the trumpeters sound a fanfare
Let the nightingales fly high in the air
For this date, you came to be
A beautiful bouncing baby
Let's salute and drink to the merriment
Let's toast a life so brilliant

Today marks the day of your birth
So we rejoice your first day on earth
To a wonderful friend that's so sublime
Let's celebrate this moment lasting a lifetime
Sweet and wonderful you are
You shine brighter than any star

For all the times you've been there
These words could never show how much we care
Precious and lovely, truly one of a kind
A treasure beyond measure, a glorious find
Mere words can never express
So we wish you the greatest success

May your life always be filled with plenty
May your cup never be half empty
May you always live in his grace
May the sun always shine on your face
May your skies always be blue
You are a blessing and we truly love you

Thursday, November 17, 2011
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Wilfred Mellers

Wilfred Mellers

Kinston, Jamaica, West Indies
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