For Tumblr From Me Poem by Hunter James

For Tumblr From Me

Same old I will write, missing you, it’s a surprise. I see the green dot illuminate over your name to indicate your arrival into the vast cyberspace. Its funny thinking of you, hours from I. Sitting in front of the same old infinity. I can see you with your hair up, your white tank top and your Pyjamas. Your sober eyes searching for nothing in particular but a slight relief from back of head anxiety on who's doing what. I wonder if you wonder similar to I.

I would hope not.

I wonder if you can see me on the other end of infinity slouching against my wall with red eyes and a quivery knee. I wonder if your closed eyes ever conjure, my pathetic presence, my depression or my clarity? If you could see me as I am now, laptop on lap writing an un send-able love note to your mutual heart. Sad isn't it, me sitting here writing my conscious to an invisible you. She's basically the same as you except she's not you. Her reaction is more predictable, where as your entire being is a mystery. Your entire chain of thought unknown. What would be your reaction?
Though the invisible you, knows all my secrets. The invisible you is the only you that could intervene the clock works of my mind. In fact she is the only anything that could do such a thing. The invisible you is quite possibly in fact the invisible me. Which makes me wonder. Who is the real you?
Is the real you anything like the invisible you? The you I turned into mere literature. The you that haunts me at suns every rise. I now sit here this hazy Saturday night and I wonder, what was become of you? Who is the real you? We didn’t really ever talk about such things. Why bother. I mean we had all the time in the world after all. Though in our ignorance we didn’t realise that in the many hours spent together and the many conversation we still didn’t have enough time to unravel the many mysteries of our singular beings. Though like I said why bother? No one wants to break that love comfort and delve into such danger. well I for one was not prepared for any such voyage anyway. I was planning on unravelling your minds whispers clue by clue. Though I was a lousy detective. I let time slip by.
And further more where are you? Are you on the same universal level as i? Was I simply just another stage of you? Is it me or is it you that is missing from the sweet formation of our reality?
Clearly, it would seem me.

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