Forever War Poem by Joey Mann

Forever War

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There we stood deep in the trench
Pile of bodies, adding to the stench
The tanks rolling across the sand
Fighting for freedom in a distant land

They think were building a democracy
We are just answering the call of hypocrisy
Are we truly building a land of freedom
Or just furthering a falling kingdom

Across the dessert we send our best
Looking for an oasis in which to rest
Eternally stuck to forever roam
Will this war end so we can go home?

Surrender not they say, we must continue to battle
Though every day we are being slaughtered like cattle
Until one day the world will be ours
We will rule, we will have all the power

This is the forever war we are in no hurry
Time is meaningless in the quest for glory
Can someone take a stand, see the light
There are no winners in this fight

All this power has gone to their head
Trekking the land, leaving a trail of dead
Bringing to the land gloom, doom and despair
leaving death and destruction everywhere

Oblivious followers as the soldiers lay waste
To the land and the people day after day without haste
Leaving a trail of blood, guts, and gore
This is not freedom, this is just war

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