Found Poem by Vision Ghost


Feeling so damned inadequate, like a jigsaw unfinished
Seemingly caught between, a house and the unfurnished
The mighty castle, without the lands to rule the empire
Feeling the cold in a forest, without the means for a fire

Could sing it out of myself, to fall upon the deafened ear
So many who assume the world, is perfected from here
An endless chorus, of the unanswered queries that I asked
Mistakes conjured by the dying of me, feeling so rasped

The handles of many doors, locked by incomprehension
A struggle to rise up, from the days alarming distinction
Familiar chords play a tune to conjure, this detangling
Grind expressions, to reach the smile again pretending

Could hammer the authorities, of my foolish endeavour
If the slave to the daily espionage, which is me forever
Then why the hell did I awake today, if not allowed to die
To grasp the last piece in me, to hack away the last tie

Free arms to fly around the garden, unhindered yet heard
So the whole world can see me, without a damning feared
Always to remain the sweetest thing, longing for embrace
For what’s remaining in me, a heart with Love to replace

An affection to offer, and when in pain I can shelter you
Take a moment of me, and I can find something so true
Within you to seek the truth, that exists in all your spirit
If these eyes aren’t true, then my life is ever truly forfeit

Find it in me to never fall so far, always remain climbing
Don’t ever sit in the loneliest of places, always be fighting
Offered you the sword and shield, only you hold the virtue
For what is so known, for what you believe is within you

One chance, one life’s great fulfilment, make it so yourself
Don’t hide from this hand, never remain an object on a shelf
Can’t admire scenery when, the unclimbed hill hides the view
One step, is one step closer, if I can do this then so can you

Vision Ghost

Vision Ghost

Epsom, East Surrey
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