From Visions To Revelations! Poem by Denis Martindale

From Visions To Revelations!

Transcending time, transcending space,
His mind was just a blur,
Behind his eyes, behind his face,
Where dreams can still occur...
And prophecies get written down
Ahead of what will be,
As if time were a golden gown
Or scroll of poetry...

The prophet sensed God's presence there,
He shivered at the thought,
For though he'd sought the Lord in prayer,
Would he do what God taught?
He trembled like a little lamb
When first stood on its feet,
Surrounded by the great I AM,
Enveloped in the heat...

Then came the Word... Poured out like gold,
Refined and purified,
With all God's wonders to unfold,
The man's eyes opened wide...
He saw a river flowing still,
A multitude baptised,
According to the Father's will
And in the Name of Christ...

With men ascending Heavenward,
The second each was bathed,
As if washed clean, now seen as good,
Each pardoned, loved and saved...
Rose petals floating from the sky
To form the Jesus Rose,
That makes each sinner ask God why,
Yet only Jesus knows...

His resurrection made it plain,
For Jesus rose that day,
Despite His crucifixion pain
Which now had drained away...
The prophet saw the world spin round
Much faster than before,
With all the Christians Heavenbound,
Its weight was less not more...

The Rapture changed the world he knew,
The secret must be kept,
Beyond the time he bid Adieu,
Till in the grave he slept...
But after that, the prophecies
Would reach the whole world wide,
Concerning Christ, the Prince of Peace,
The Saviour, crucified...

Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2013.

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