G.U.R.U Poem by Cairo Asikari


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I, hear in rhythm, speak in rhyme,
watch my words reverberate through space and time,
a 5th dimensional element,
the existentially elegant. One.
The harvest of the father's seed,
reaped by the mother's hand. Son.
Facing the trials of endless miles of unseen roads,
with sole-less shoes and open wounds covered by tattered clothes.
Just me and God, and where this journey leads, only one of us knows.
A story in the making of glory for the taking,
of triumph, of victory, betrayal, forsaking.
The story of a king, serving under the King.
The story of the proven one, prolific one, of me.
If you could look through my eyes and see what I see,
you'd see the pieces to life's puzzles hidden beneath.
A surface made of, shady vanities masked in sensual profanities,
that appeal to the masses, and exploit all humanities',
weakness, is what it boils down to,
we all have it. But rather than rooting it out,
we choose to conceal it under million dollar camouflage
and use perfumes to mask the scent of our doubt.
Trying to realize our identity within,
but failing to realize our identity in Him,
He being the one who allows us to transcend,
and hear in rhythm, speak in rhyme,
watch our words reverberate through space and time,
be a 5th dimensional element, an existentially elegant. One.
Crossing boundaries this world has deemed prohibited.
Because God's Universal Reign is Unlimited.

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