God Is One, Mother Is One! Poem by Jacson Gelato

God Is One, Mother Is One!

My mother taught me
of no religion or prayer
though she named me
and got me baptized;
after that, she never placed a
single holy book in my hands
or asked me to read any verses
or to remember any saints;
she said all faiths lead
to one God;
I asked her how,
she replied - 'Son,
believe in petals
think it is a flower,
believe in leaves
think it is a tree,
believe in apples and oranges
think they are fruits;
believe in anything
think, it is derived
from one source
or goes back
to the same source;
she said the universe is one
the people are many;
the faiths are many
but the God is one;
I asked her than
think of children
think of mothers?
''no'' she said
think of child
think of only one mother
as each one has his own mother
like, think of God
think of only one God
as each one has his own God;
she said God is one
mother is one
I asked her how
she replied
every mother that gives birth
nurtures her own child
in her own lap
and cares for her child's future
till the very end;
God like mother
cares and plans about
man's fate and journey
till the very end.


Thursday, September 22, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: god,mother and child
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