Gone Fishing Poem by Jayne Louise Davies

Gone Fishing

Rating: 5.0

The strong morning tide, flows steadily in,
I wish I had stayed in bed!
I can't feel my toes, my fingers are numb,
And my nose is a bright shade of red!

Not far from the pier, we hear a loud cheer,
So we all look across to see,
An excited young boy, shouts out to his Dad,
Can we have it for our tea?

I reach for my box, full of wriggling bait,
And pick out a worm for the fish,
Oblivious, to it's watery fate,
It'll make nice tasty dish.

Now time for a break, a nice slice of cake,
And a steaming hot mug of tea,
When out of the blue, my line starts to shake,
I hope it's a catch for me!

Jump to the ready, must keep it steady,
Let's give it all I've got,
Reeling it in, I can't help but grin,
It's a definite one for the pot!

When the tide starts receding, the seagulls start feeding
On the surplus of bait cast away,
Like squabbling kids at a birthday tea,
They tuck into their feast of the day.

A grand time we've had, took the good with the bad,
And made some new friends on the way,
We'll come again soon, by the light of the moon,
As long as the weathers ok.

Jayne Davies

Gone Fishing
Memories of our fishing trips to Porthcawl x
Jayne Davies 24 April 2013

We have had some good times down in Porthcawl! Haven't bee for a while now though. Thanks, glad you like it!

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David Wood 17 April 2013

A lovely poem about fishing. I walk my dog around a lake in Swansea twice a day & I see fishermen sitting all daywaiting for a catch. A lovely write that rhymes well.

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Jayne Louise Davies

Jayne Louise Davies

Abercynon, Rhondda Cynon Taff
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