Goodbye My True Love Poem by Richard Jennings

Goodbye My True Love

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To the love I found,
But have now lost,
Im grateful to you for taking away the pain,
Over my old wounds you had glossed.

You came into my world,
and breathed new life into my heart,
A new freedom you gave my soul,
Because of you my life could really start.

I now know that I've to let you go,
That your love for me was never so,
That my life forever can no longer contain you,
And so my dear, Its time for me to start anew.

I can't talk to you any longer,
It's not because I despair at you,
More that a realisation dawns on me when I do,
That I'm still deeply in love with you.

And when I realise this,
I realise I can no longer have you,
The realisation of this makes me want you even more,
The realisation makes it harder still to finally close the door.

You are my soaring dove,
It's time for me to set you free,
Free from me,
Free from my unrequinted love.

And so my one true love,
Now its time to say goodbye,
To wipe away the last tear to fall from my eye,
With a lifetime of gratitude.........Goodbye.

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