Goodbye To Drugs Poem by Melissa Medrano

Goodbye To Drugs

Rating: 4.3

I'm saying goodbye once and for all
I'm turning the tables it's your turn to fall
I thought you were my friend from the very beginning
But to you friendship has no meaning
I thought without you in my life I would never feel whole
You were my best friend, we were inseperable
I trusted you with all my heart
I laid my life in your hands and you tore it apart
You put up a front, you were a fake all along
You led me to believe you would do me no wrong
You promised me all my problems would leave
I was an innocent child, who was I to believe?
After all these years you've done nothing but drag me down
And stirred up emotions was all I found
You got me addicted, you brainwashed me
You blinded me so i could not see
Now my life is a mess and you are to blame
When i introduced you to my life is when all the problems came
You've hurt not only me but friends and family as well
It's your way of saying Satan's lonely in hell
I was depressed, angry and in denial
You got the best of me for a little while
Now it's my time to seek revenge
Our relationship is over, there are no mends
No second chances, goodbye forever
I know your plan your going to try to be clever
As soon as that fails you'll try to be sly
But God is by my side for the Final Goodbye

Chinedu Dike 12 August 2018

An insightful piece on the devastating effects of substance abuse, written with clarity of thought and mind. A beautiful creation. Thanks for sharing Melissa and do remain enriched.

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Ari Ryan 11 February 2011

Wow great poem, now I know how my uncle feels. I like your work & style. Maybe check out some of my poems if you want? Ari

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Keith Hendrickson 03 August 2009

nice flow and great meaning. i could tell it was from the heart and real. i like that. fine piece of writing girl.

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