Grab Life, Buy The Horns 2 Poem by Chuy Amante

Grab Life, Buy The Horns 2

Rating: 5.0

Life is supposed to be thorny and horny!
If not, get out of the golf cart and dive in

What is perceived as 'tough, rough or thin'
is what you designed to be a horn blaring

Sock you in the nose, in your face glaring
chances to change, grow, stretch

Seek something new, go ahead and fetch
your chosen bone. Size and flavor

If you are at the point of a big change
it is time to all rearrange.
This time done consciously, you are the architect
Time to inner reflect

What do you want? Now is the time to take over
no more the effect, now the Cause- forever

Write the new script, choose the stage, scene
and actors
lots to consider, choose well the factors

The arena is new, don't be scared
perhaps there is much to be shared

A new world, new players, new perspective
a new time and place, a collective?

Get happy write the scene full of bliss
settle for nothing less
than a life of smiles and kiss

Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Neela Nath Das 24 June 2014

Love your subtlety of thought.This one is no exception- - - - - Great!

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Chuy Amante

Chuy Amante

You are Perfect!
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