Granddaughters Newcomers Poem by Dr. Ahmed Gumaa Siddiek

Granddaughters Newcomers

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Retajj, the daughter of my son
Have just come to the world full with fun
And Lojjian the daughter of my daughter
Are received with milk gushed at your face and water
To celebrate your birthday
Granddaughters you have come to the world
To fill the vacuum
With some freshness and happiness at home
You are as smart and beautiful as your Moms
And gentle as your Dads
Grandma is happy for both
As if she is the one who gave your birth
All uncles, aunts, nephews and nieces
And all the kin and kith
Are all happy for your arrival
To add to the big family
Which has begun to grow with the third generation
To build the nation
So, you are adding one line in the grand book of history
And give strength, more to the family tree
And power to the country
Our all traditions run in your veins
To inject the family with fresh blood
Your names will be engraved with capital blocks in gold
You will enjoy your time among your loving race
And grow with full grace

Smart and tall like dads and beautiful Moms
Then you will both go to school
And granddaddy will be your school mate
He will wait for you at the gate
And will not regret whenever you are early or late
When you are out at the end of the school day
He will collect you home happy and gay
And will play
All your childhood games
And may help to give your dolls some beautiful names
He will carry your bags with some broken pencils
And torn exercise book-notes
Full with greasy stuff and remains of food
Then you will be back home
To fill all the rooms
With joyful chaos and riots
Then you may break my phone
And make upside down all my room
You may tear my notes or books
And may step into my shoes
Or put on my boots
And you may break my glasses
You may as well have some cries
Of madness for no good reasons
Then you will get bored and tired
And would go to sleep
Then Granddad may have a nap
For the rest of the day
To make ready for tomorrow
With a new start, happy and gay.

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