Hail Our Country Poem by Somanathan Iyer

Hail Our Country

Hail our Country and hail our culture
Hail our past and hail our traditions
Hail our tolerance and wail our sufferings
Wail our slavery and hail our freedom

Many a sacrifices and many a martyrs
Many a movements and many a struggles
Selfless and ideal leaders won us freedom
Selfish and insane leaders left us in tantrums

A freedom won by non-violence
Chokes in the grip of rapes and blasts
A country famed for values and morals
Stranded in the midst of bribes and scams

Divided we are in castes and groups
Dancing to the tunes of perverted politics
Votes and notes are vision of our leaders
Apathy and anarchy choice of our masses

Educated we are but enough not
to take right decisions
Informed we are but enough not
to enforce our inner voice

Unique is our political inflation with
More leaders and less cadre
Imposed are some infiltrated or others
Choice are few but noise from many

Glorious future awaits us ahead
Heinous divisions pulling us back
Serious attention needed by all
In molding our minds to march in unison

Gajanan Mishra 02 March 2013

Glorious future awaits us ahead. thanks. I invite you to read my poems and comment.

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