Hands Of Fathers And Sons Poem by Efren Petalver Carranza

Hands Of Fathers And Sons

Full from the heart without a sealant of coy,
Five little fingers curled to daddy's thumb,
To his lips in render of his unmeasured joy,
A kiss of truth that only father could add up.

Full of strength without defiance of charm,
Now bigger fingers grapple to daddy's arm,
To his balding head tap by surprising defeat,
Sense of truth that son to father's no threat.

Full of love but without resistance of shame,
Two open hands locked to weakening frame,
That was once so gentle and fragile to hold,
The etymon of truth, future is now foretold.

That long before he's the son; he's the father,
With same name to carry, write, and spell,
Either left or right, these hands will not falter,
Their strength to give and care is their will.

A person's character sometimes can be read by the movements of his or her hands. Sometimes, these hands also represent of who we are.

"I will give you a COIN on each hand, " as I tested my son with the same trick that my father did when I was young. "And it is up to whether you share EQUALLY or give one to your brother; or better yet, give me back the QUARTER, and I'll give it to him."

He tightly closed both hands, pulled them towards his chest, and replied: "These QUARTERS are mine."

"Are you sure those are Quarters? " I asked. He opened both hands: Left has 25cents, closes it, and the other is a nickel and remains open upon his eyes and said: "Here! Give it to him."

I requested to show me his hands as they were. Then, I took all coins from my pocket and poured them all onto the nickel.

"Your left hand represents your selfishness, " I explained. "When you pulled your body away from me, you tensely sealed your hand with greed; therefore, there was nothing added to your quarter.

"Your right hand represents the value of giving and receiving. Since it was freely opened, blessings poured in.

He looked at me straight into my eyes, and then I said: "I may not be able to give all things you want, but when you have good intentions in life, it may not come from me but from God through the hands of others. And, remember, give and you will receive, for God is always watching … YOU! "

………………And I hope he heard me as much as I heard my father.
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