Have You Soul Doubt Or What? Poem by Denis Martindale

Have You Soul Doubt Or What?

The human soul must play its role to serve its purpose well.
If not, Man loses all control and that can lead to Hell.
The human soul can make us whole or it can lead astray.
Perhaps to trick us as we stroll towards God's Judgement Day.
The heart and mind react in time to sins that haunt each night.
Though once regarded as sublime, they soon must face the light.
The Gospel truth explains such things to both the rich and poor
And tells us that the King of Kings forgives and so much more.
The psalmist wrote Psalm 22, which tells us of the Cross…
Explaining what Christ had to do, despite such tragic loss.
Then Easter helps us stay assured once we are born again
And seek to serve the living Lord who died to save all men.
But soul doubt steals away Man's faith and says this isn't true.
There's not one Saviour who could save the awful likes of you.
But soul faith overcomes the doubt to save the soul from sin,
It takes a stand and casts it out, so that doubt cannot win.
That's how a lost soul can be spared from judgement, sin and Hell.
Believe in Christ, the King who cared… as all God's Gospels tell…

Denis Martindale July 2020.

Have You Soul Doubt Or What?
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: easter,forgiveness,god,gospel,holy spirit,jesus,psalms,salvation
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