Hazel Eyes Poem by Rokket Grrl

Hazel Eyes

Rating: 4.0

Behind these hazel eyes
A whole other identity lies
The girl who is afraid of her own shadow
And the girl who is accidentally always shallow
There's the girl who wants so much more than she has
And the girl who sometimes acts like a spazz
There's the one who laid back and always cool
And there's the one is loud and acts like a fool
There's the girl who is sometimes shy and unspoken
And the one who is always getting her heart broken

But on the outside:
 I'm that girl who doesn't have a care
Who acts like the pieces are there
There's that girl who is happy and always cheery
And that her parents and everyone else love her dearly
And in twenty years she'll probably have success
And she looks like she's never a mess

...but sometimes she just wants to run away
To a happier brighter day
But she knows deep down things will get better
And that one day her plans will come together
Sometimes she forgets or remembers things she shouldn't
And she wants to runaway but she wouldn't and couldn't
And sometimes she cries and acts like a child
Because behind those hazel eyes she secretly reckless and wild

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