Hearken To The Whispers Of The Ages Poem by GinNie Tanner Smith

Hearken To The Whispers Of The Ages

Hearken to the Whispers of the Ages
Gin-Nie Tanner Smith, January 19th,2009
Copyright 2009 ©

Listen to the urging of your mind's voice,
Whispers sliding through the ages of time,
Reaching through dimensions and generations,
Let the past only teach and nurture you my child,
Hearken to the whispers of the ages;

Do not revel in the trivialities of yesterday,
But rejoice in the enlightenment of this very day,
Leave at the feet of your children,
Green grass, flowers, clear water of faith,
Nourishment given as if germinating seeds;

Injustice is only a word if you live for peace,
It will not sully your heart, being or soul,
If you live in the posture of the power of hope,
Place your vigor in the protection of the innocent,
War, if the evil is without boundaries or guard;

For evil cannot be measured with reason or sanity,
But stalled by the clenched fists of the right hand,
The combined fists of the unification of mankind,
Whose souls are of the conscientious flock,
Hearken to the whispers of the ages;

There is no right or left party within right or wrong morality,
Only the peaceful pastures of respect and self-sacrifice,
Wrong is that which defeats the innocence of children,
Stand together, hand in hand, feel the pulse of thy neighbor,
Know that it is as yours, progeny of the same earth;

Though oft varied hues of clay, reflected within the eyes,
Are the souls that cry out for supplications,
Heed my pain, hear my joys, share my wisdom,
For this we will be free, move forward in strength,
As you hearken to the whispers of the ages.

This was born of the election of that year...the focus of the political situation both inspired and frustrated one.
GinNie Tanner Smith

GinNie Tanner Smith

Seymor, Indiana
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