Heart Of Africa Poem by Anitah Muwanguzi

Heart Of Africa

Rating: 5.0

Quietly you roar! Desperately you moan

You stand tall as the Kilimanjaro

the wealth of you boggles human definitions, beyond description

you are Uganda, the heart of me, the heart of Africa.

Your ageless eyes have borne bloodshed,

corruption beyond hell’s flames, and still you stand

so proud, beyond submission

daily you mock those who seek to squander and rape your goldmines –

outlive every scheme

Patiently you wait, heart never wavering,

embracing all, forgiving all

I love you Uganda

Every morning I awake to the sheer magnificence of you

Beyond comprehension, how you hold me together, giving me so much

never demanding anything in return

Uganda the heart of Africa

Life starts, ends with you

the wildest shades of gold, deep bold scarlets, boundless blues,

and heart wrenching grays steal my heart

no I don’t mind

Let the rivers roar and oceans rage, let the sun sizzle and burn,

today you stand defying the 53rd birthday claim:

you have been here forever;

and here you stay, ageless, without end.

Heart Of Africa
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: country
Souren Mondal 19 November 2015

Beautiful with patriotism running like a river through the poem... Thank you for sharing.. It's a very nice poem..

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Anitah Muwanguzi 19 November 2015

Thanks Mondal appreciate the thoughts.

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Solomon C. Jatta 24 November 2015

great poem keep it up. really love d way you express your thoughts, especially the fact that despite Uganda haven gone through a lot of suffering either from colonialism which robbed it of its treasure, it still stands gallantly.

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Anitah Muwanguzi 24 November 2015

Solomon thanks for the lovely thoughts.

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Hannington Mumo 26 November 2015

A great poem about your home country. Kudos!

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ankwasa harlord 19 March 2020

i lov u i lov u Uganda #Africa forever

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Chinedu Dike 28 June 2018

Beautiful patriotic piece written with clarity of thought and mind. An insightful creation, focused and factual. Thanks for sharing Anitah

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Anitah Muwanguzi 13 December 2015

Kim thanks alot for reading the poem and appreciating it.

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Kim Barney 13 December 2015

Very nice poem showing your love for your mother country. You have talent. Keep writing.

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Anitah Muwanguzi 30 November 2015

Kelvin Mwale wow. Thank you, and yes I bet it would.

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