Heavenly Observations Poem by Naveed Akram

Heavenly Observations

I observed the heavens and expected God,
Between my hips was a lower power of dread.
I saw an object of an exemplary nature, far too solid,
Like the space between the Moon and the Earth.
I crept to my brothers and sisters in the circle of life,
Their church was the same, their vest was the version of purity,
It was supreme and exact, from all acts that defeated.

If in thirst a man decides to enter my world, I shall supplicate,
And call him my brother, and I shall call the first woman Eve;
For I have a story like a man of splendid virtues,
Rested in the same tomes of time that every soul depends on.
If in hunger there is wisdom in the heavens,
My prayer destroys the devils, as their whirls of evil
Are considered the shirts and trousers of a demonic character.

Like an universal law, the drinking water is consumed,
I am with you, in the triumphant encircling, the different woe.
I fix my eyes on the destitute faces, drinking from cups of gold,
Leaving no trace of distaste, no trace of elements that degrade.
I have all the heavenly favours if my prayers are known
Only by the pure and just.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: heaven,observation
Naveed Akram

Naveed Akram

London, England
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