Her Stamp On Me Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Her Stamp On Me

While I was alone in my sanctum sanctorum,
She opened door and broke in in gentle steps
And stood beside me in silent reverence;
I knew not who this angel from what heven,
Come for what benevolence on my lonely soul;
She smiled jasmine smile from her rosy face,
Her eyes in benign sunshine kissed me;
I spoke not a word and invited her within,
Like eager Goddess she is, she entered inside,
And filled my Being like sunshine at dawn;
I took her in arms and showered all warmth
In swings of love, reverence all over her face;
Flush with desires, she blushed, liquesced,
I lifted her face, lips to lips, I locked her
And gently sucked love from her parted lips.

Caught in flares of desire, my Golden Wonder
Shed the veil of bosoms standing between us
And proudly stood straight to my eyes' feast;
Lo, purest golden mounds in golden splendent glint!
I swooned by its beauty, its heavenly subtle charm,
I swooned with pleasure of the desires surging inside,
And held her heaving bosoms in my shaking hands
And pressed, played and squeezed to my heart's content
And took my lips there and played heavenly games
While she exposed all herself to my passion's flood
With madly throbbing heart and soul in desire's rage,
Her body clinging mine, and mine joyously hers,
She was begging, more, and I was giving all
Till exhausted we were and slipped to blissful sleep
In ech other's arms lest we lose the other.

While I awoke from the blissful sleep,
I found her nowhere in sanctum sanctorum;
The door she opened then, she kept open yet,
That allows cold wind fill sanctum sanctorum;
The bed we used bears signs of passion's acts,
Bringing forth the acts we indulged for the other;
Why did she then come and why did she part now,
From where did she come and where did she go,
Neither I asked her nor did she tell me then;
But I know she is real, we together were real,
More real indeed than before or after then;
Like a shooting star in starless dark sky
She came and lighted my world for a while
And relegated me then back to my dark fate,
And so affixed her stamp forever on me.

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