Here Comes The Sun Poem by Abby Sze

Here Comes The Sun

Rating: 5.0

It’s been raining non-stop,
Grey clouds squeezing drops.
One by one it falls
On my head but no umbrella do I hold.

It’s been great thunderstorm,
Lightening that sparks.
Straight through my ears,
My heart gets scared.

It’s been dark for such long night.
Nothing I can see as I open my eyes.
I hope people are fine:
Because rain is heavy
And storm chaos are silly.

Standing here in the empty land,
Lost my brother I don’t know where.
Left no clues for me to search,
Getting worried,
How he can survive
In the terrible weather
Of this dark night.

Wandering around hope he would call
Though I know it’s impossible.
He written no word about his leave,
Alone he started the journey,
Only his brain holds the key.

The rain is heavy,
Thunderstorms are scary.
He still out there searching,
Something created by his imagination.

But I am real, your illusion is fake.
My word from my mouth is the reality,
So you should not hear me
If I am outside working.
So please come back to me.
I believe the rain will stop,
When you realize
After dark night always comes the sunshine.

Monday, May 11, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: family
Roseann Shawiak 30 July 2015

Intense poem, can feel the worriedness you feel for your brother, feeling scared, hoping he is alright. Then giving a ray of sunshine with your last line. Another excellent poem. Thank you for sharing it. RoseAnn

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