Honesty Poem by Pratheek Praveen Kumar


Rating: 5.0

A virtue of great value,
Which is found in few,
A rare virtue indeed,
That the world does need.

A magnificent thing is honesty,
However rarely do we it see,
Only great people show it always,
Whether they have good or bad days.

Honesty does to greatness lead,
Such a person all do heed,
All people unconditionally admire him,
Whether they are fat or thin.

An honest person is someone great,
No one does him hate,
He shall attain great heights,
No one will have him in his or her sights.

The king of virtues is honesty,
It is the representation of what one should be,
Whether the time are good or bad,
One should never be a dishonest cad.

The greatest virtue of all indeed is Honesty,
Forever increases the person in his modesty,
The greatest gift of a person Honesty indeed is,
It always gives a person whatever that is his.

Blessed indeed is person who has this virtue,
Greatness is the character that he does nurture,
He indeed has got an extremely great future,
He always would have got a great desire to nurture.

By this virtue, the future of people will always be determined,
And the part it played in many lives will always be underlined.

Soulful Heart 05 April 2012

BRAVO................indeed honesty has become an about to be extinct virtue...............well written

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