Hopeless Dreamer Poem by Barima Basoah

Hopeless Dreamer

The globe is filled with air,
breathing for life, feeling the breeze,
I tried to add fragrance to the air,
for pleasant and agreeable scent,
but the wind blew all the sprayed perfumes.

The sun scorches with heat,
fiery hot cooking the earth,
I tried to cool it with blocks of ice,
but the heat from the sun melt the ice,
into water and consumed into vapor.

Adoring the wondrous artistic view of the sky,
I tried hard to paint the sky,
I dipped my brush in paint and stretched my hand,
many times all day I could not reach the ceiling,
but paint on brush dried up into a cake.

I heard the birds sing to nature,
I caught the rhythm with cheerful notes,
I tried to join in the band with my drums,
but the heavy sounds scared the birds,
and they all flew away for their lives.

Spotting the shoreline and a vast spread of sand,
I tried hard to make creative designs,
with footprints on the sand shores,
but the sea waves cause my despair,
came and washed every single footprint.

It takes death to conquer death,
death seizes each moment a breath,
I died to save men from death,
but death swallowed me with no pity,
and I could save only myself to eternity.

From the collection: HUMANS

Thursday, April 30, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: life
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