House Of Whispers _Fields Of Grace Poem by ANNE P LadeeAnne MURRAY

House Of Whispers _Fields Of Grace

Secrets...from the house of whispers
keep calling out my name - in the halls and rooms
where as a child I lived and walked within
Unknown secrets, memories that wake me in my sleep
yet never quite able to grasp their meanings
They're outlined in fuzzy images - words not spoken

But still… I hear unnamed voices
whispering secrets, whispering unknown words in my ear

I wander alone in fields of grace -
crying out for asylum from my house of whispers...
calling out with unnamed voices
trying to whisper secrets and unknown words in my ear
I go to my place in fields of grace
where all is quiet - a place where I can rest
where God showed me I was loved and safe-
He told me I could stay till healing came
until my soul has been restored in His holy fields of grace

Those unknown secrets and memories
that woke me from my sleep have quieted their voices
My ears have been silenced to them
Now the only voice I hear...
is God whispering in my ear
whispering that I am safe in His place
My soul restored
as I calmly walk in His healing fields of grace

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