How Can You Write About Love? Poem by Denis Martindale

How Can You Write About Love?

This poem is about one lonely man's
response to the famous words we
see in the New Testament that the
Apostle Paul wrote about love in
1 Corinthians, chapter 13.


How can you write about love, my friend, as if forever without end,
As if so great it perseveres, regardless of the future years?
How can you write about love, and say it proves enough,
Through times both rough and tough, as if possessing stronger stuff,
And there's nothing that's higher than love?

Oh, how I wish that this proved so, as I recall each strife,
The awful times when brought so low that life seemed less than life.
When falling deeply, so in love, as if she were some turtle-dove,
Or warm to me as if a glove. Yet time revealed her true intents,
For which there's not one recompense, nor signs of one who soon repents.

So love for me's too hard a task, and that's the reason I would ask,
How can you write about love, my friend, as if forever without end,
As if so great it perseveres, regardless of the future years?
How can you write about love? Tell me, tell me, tell me, my friend,
How can you write about love?

Denis Martindale, the 2nd of May 2023.

How Can You Write About Love?
Monday, May 1, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: love
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