How Close Poem by Nassy Fesharaki

How Close

How close

My first tongue is
Parsi or Farsi, or Persian.

Heard comments on it while
My reply was smile,
Laughter is camouflaged…

How blind and worm like
We behave,
Plato's characters in a cave!

We are tied
With closed eye of mind.

Go outside
Look at sun
It is large
And bright.

See deserts?
And mountains?
And oceans?

Wish I was a brook
Crawling like snake,
Thin and round
Narrow, wide
Short or long.

My ever best read is
"The Little Black Fish."

It left the small pond,
Risked life and went around,
Saw others, same we are,
As cousins, uncles, aunts,
With views are thin
The claims can bear harms.

Found friends like lizard,
Was attacked by seagull.

Writer leaves the reader
Picturing poor victim
As hero, protagonist
To fail, then succeeding.

We, the ancient nations
Are very much the same,
Great are our cultures,
We love and always care
For the weak, old, orphans.

"The Whale Child" in front
Feel being in Iran,
Reading "Little Black Fish."

The two, dance, celebrate:
"We, sisters, brothers,
Are Natives and ancient,
Generous, with love, care."

I hear the drums
As well as a do-tar
Sort of mixed music
That enjoy our angels.

Singer sings a hymn that
Contains best of lyrics.

Ahura's spirit
Flies over Arctic.

When unite siblings,
Mother Earth is in peace.

Thank you my "Whale Child."
Thank you "Black Fish."

Break walls and the chains
Of the race and culture
Open arms, heart, and mind
Let us love each other
Read Khayyam, and Hafez.

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