How To Define Modrn Poetry? (Poetry Or Prose Lines) Poem by Bijay Kant Dubey

How To Define Modrn Poetry? (Poetry Or Prose Lines)

Modern poetry of the modern man, walking into the streets, at the bus terminus, waiting to go somewhere, on the platform boarding a long distance train, alighting at the airport, going as a tourist, a traveller, returning as a native, busy with his tight schedule and day-to-day activities, feeling the quest for identity, a peculiar rootlessness overtaking him and he for solace turning the pages of nihilism, existentialism, agnosticism, theism, atheism to refresh and start it again his daily business as usual after going for the Zen and yoga tips. In a world of inner conflict, personality split and location and dislocation, how to relocate the things of tradition and settle them the ruffled ones? Rampant urbanization with cities, flats, industries and factories, congestion cramming for space tell of a scenery bereft of greenery and wild vegetation, the lands deforested, barren and denuded. But overtaken by the loss of faith, overpowered with bewilderment, anxiety, angst and despair, he keeps searching, ever searching, going, ever going in search of truth, mental calm and composure, but materialistic pleasures hindering him from taking the heart and soul into strict confidence to reach the goal of life with some nobler vision and mission to be achieved.

Unica Hija 09 April 2020

Wonderful piece that helps us dig the deeper essence of modern poetry.

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