Human Actions Poem by Dr John Celes

Human Actions

Rating: 4.5

All things we do have their repercussion;
Our actions must be guided by wisdom;
We must obey what conscience dictates;
Let prudence help us in times troublesome.

The risks involved must not outweigh the ends;
Our life is one most precious wealth on earth;
On situations, a decision depends;
Our power of reasoning must prevail always.

Yet, every time we shouldn’t forget our aims;
The purpose must be good and not insane;
We must align with nature and God’s plans;
Our faculties must not become our bane.

For, God made man quite differently from beasts;
A special duty, He has given us;
We dare not shirk responsibilities;
To God, an account, every man renders!

Copyright by Dr John Celes 10-16-2005

Joe Breunig 21 March 2006

Accountability - what a concept! Another nice write.

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Charles Chaim Wax 16 October 2005

A very positive and uplifting poem, I suppose I enjoyed it so much because it is quite different, in a certain sense, from what I write, and yet in another sense what you write is very much what I write: the hope for life to be meaningful. Good work!

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Dr John Celes

Dr John Celes

Tamilnadu, India
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