Human Trafficking I Poem by Luke Easter

Human Trafficking I

In Mentor, Ohio illegal immigrants were seized,
At a Mexican restaurant preparing refried beans,
While women and children are beaten and raped,
Confined in dog cages causing them to fear escape.

By the way, these are jobs that the locals won’t take,
To call the cops and complain, they will not hesitate,
Crying, “oh, they are not Americans, it’s just not fair, ”
But how many complaining would accept a job there?

So, which of these two is the more serious crime?
OK, name the one you hear about most of the time?
Well, one is easy but the other is much harder to find,
Way to much credit is given to the criminal mind.

Human Trafficking is a billion dollar sex underworld,
Where else can you enjoy abusing a nine year-old girl?
Next, a confused and scared even younger little boy,
Why aren’t these kids safe at home playing with toys?

Adding insult to injury is when a car breaks down,
Neatly tucked under the wiper blade a ticket is found,
Somewhere in that area as citizens are being fleeced,
Asking ourselves, which is more important to police?

One is less serious than the other can you tell me why?
Authentic tacos or the ignored helpless children’s cry,
It’s easy to find workers who have no where to hide,
Or a car with mechanical problems pushed to the side.

Media coverage, ICE, handcuffs and off to jail they go,
Just where am I expected to buy an over stuffed burrito?
Across the border and straight into good old Mexico,
That’d be fine in Cali, Arizona or Texas but not Ohio.

Obviously, the one key word missing here is priority,
Illegals making and selling salsa I call that a minority,
Have you ever had a gun pointed 6 inches from your face?
Is it a little easier now to put things in their proper place?

Why do so-called, “law abiding” get upset at the minor things?
Not when kidnapped victims are forced into prostitution rings,
The country is concerned about Mexicans getting benefits,
Well, why not make them accountable so they can pay into it?

Remember, before we holler foul and start sending them back,
Not 1 Hispanic has ever been linked to a planned terrorist attack,
Doubt if I could look in the phone book and find Osama Perez,
But I do know a very good shortstop named Rafael Hernandez.

Some law-abiding patriot felt it their duty to dropp a dime,
Probably the same one who runs away from a real crime,
You know the kind, closing doors and windows to screams,
Assault? Rape? Sound asleep with their own sleazy dreams.

So, while I sit here with an ice cold Pepsi and a bag of nachos,
As women & children are sold into slavery, ICE is eating tacos,
HIV and AIDS are stealing pride, innocence, life itself and purity,
There really is something less effective than Homeland Security.

Luke Easter

Luke Easter

Cleveland, Ohio
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