Hypnosis Song Poem by Mark Nichols

Hypnosis Song

I've come to take you off with me
To take you from this malady
It's easy when you close your eyes
It's easy when you go to sleep

Your forehead has a little door
A little mouse comes out to roar
'It's time for bed, ' the mousie says
'It's time for bed' He nods his head
And gently shuts the door

Your eyes are getting heavy now
Don't go to sleep we won't allow

For 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9...10!

We're almost there
So please beware
You'll want to stay
It can't be done
You'll want to be like everyone
'Cause everyone is having fun!

Use the demons wearing black
With six black crows and six black hats
Call them all to come and play
Call them all to save the day

Call them all to tell the tale
Watch the devil twitch and wail

I'll use my demons wearing black
With six black crows and six black hats
I do not fear the ones in blacks
With six black crows and six black hats

I'm not afraid of what I am
Oh thank you! Mister Psychiatrist Man!

Be careful along the way
You never know who's going to nibble your toes
There was a little boy
And a naughty boy was he
He ran away from home
To see what he could see! !

Sunday, February 14, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: childhood ,demons,healing,insanity,psychological,psychology
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