I Am George Floyd And I Can't Breathe Poem by Akeem Mair

I Am George Floyd And I Can't Breathe

I am George Floyd, I am 46
I can't breathe, please let me go
Because your knee is choking me
I told the cop who held me down
I felt the pressure on my neck squeeze
I said again, I can't breathe
Maybe he'll listen and the pain will ease
But in return a crooked smile looked back at me
As I begged him please
I heard a scream, "you're choking him! "
And then I thought he'll set me free
But instead his friends in blue
Said to the crowd, "stop recording and leave the scene! ! "
After awhile I closed my eyes, did I die?
Because nobody heard a peep
9 minutes later Derek Chauvin had my neck release
I guess he thought I fell asleep
He lift my lifeless body up
Dangling on the stretcher
Can't imagine what they seen
as the crowd started to weep
These crooked Cops were all shocked
How dare they call themselves police! !
They let their partner take my life
But swear an oath to protect my streets
But not every cop is the devil
I'm just plucking out the weeds
Unfortunately I didn't make it
But I'm glad my story inspired a movement

Akeem Mair

Akeem Mair

Pasadena, California
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