I Am Heatstroke Poem by Doctor Dashaun Snipes

I Am Heatstroke

Rating: 4.0

In the scorching heat of the summer sun,
I am the invisible threat, I am the one,
I am Heatstroke, lurking in the air,
With symptoms that warn, with a deadly stare.

I am the dizziness that clouds your mind,
The weakness that leaves you behind,
I am the headache that pounds in your head,
The nausea that fills you with dread.

I am the rapid heartbeat, the feverish skin,
The confusion that starts to begin,
I am the muscles that cramp and ache,
The exhaustion that's hard to shake.

If you don't notice, I will take you out,
Without a warning, without a doubt,
I mean business, I have no time to spare,
I am Heatstroke, beware, beware.

I am the dehydration that leaves you dry,
The lack of sweat, the need to cry,
I am the disorientation, the lack of coordination,
The trouble breathing, the palpitations.

I am the red, hot skin that burns,
The thirst that never seems to turn,
I am the fainting that comes on strong,
The confusion that lasts too long.

I have no time for games, no room for delay,
I am Heatstroke, I am here to stay,
I will take you down, if you're not aware,
I am the danger, I am the scare.

I am the warning signs that you must heed,
The signals that your body needs,
I am the reminder to take care,
To stay hydrated, to be aware.

I am the sun's fierce wrath, the heat's cruel kiss,
The danger that's hard to dismiss,
I am Heatstroke, a force to reckon with,
A threat that's real, a danger myth.

So listen to your body, respect the signs,
Stay cool, stay hydrated, read between the lines,
I am Heatstroke, I am not to be ignored,
I am the danger that must be explored.

I am the high body temperature, the flushed face,
The rapid breathing, the slowing pace,
I am the dry, hot skin that burns,
The confusion that takes its turns.

If you don't notice, I will take you out,
Without a warning, without a doubt,
I mean business, I have no time to spare,
I am Heatstroke, beware, beware.

I am the weakness that drains your strength,
The lack of coordination that goes to great lengths,
I am the throbbing headache that won't go away,
The nausea that makes you sway.

I am the rapid heartbeat, the shallow breath,
The dizziness that leads to death,
I am the muscle cramps that seize your frame,
The exhaustion that leaves you the same.

I am the danger that lurks in the heat,
The silent threat that you must defeat,
I am Heatstroke, I am not a game,
I am the reality, I am the flame.

So stay vigilant, stay aware,
Take care of yourself, show that you care,
I am Heatstroke, I am not a joke,
I am the real deal, I mean business, I mean to provoke.

So heed the warnings, listen to the signs,
Stay safe, stay cool, in the heat that binds,
I am Heatstroke, a force to be reckoned with,
A danger that's real, a threat that's swift.

Authorship by Mr Dashaun Rashod Snipes
©Mr. Dashaun Rashod Snipes
® I Am Heatstroke

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